Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day

Valentines Day, the day of love as the world knows it. I celebrated this day, after what seems like ages, being single. I must say it pretty much sucks. You can't go to watch a movie because the halls are thronged with couples all wanting to grab the elusive corner seats. And on top of that if you have seen every movie released this week and the only movie left is "No Strings Attached", then I must sat you are in deep shit. You pretty much have nowhere to go. The restaurants are overflowing, the streets are jam packed, the theaters are absolutely out-of-limits, which leaves what? The pubs!
So me and a couple of my friends decide to hit a nearby beer bar to spend valentines day getting sloshed listening to some great music. But apparently even these places are not spared. We had to wait for like 20 minutes before we could enter the place and that too on a Monday. I mean what the hell. Not only that, almost every table inside was full of people either drinking with their loved ones, in memory of their loved ones or to forget the same. You know you are in the wrong place when you have people toasting death to girls right next to your table.
I mean its not that I'm anti valentines day or anything but my recent break up had a lot to do with my decision to booze. But after spending some time in there I realized that there is no point hating what had happened and cursing the whole female race for that. I mean yes some of us have had their hearts broken (and broken a few ourselves) but thats no reason to curse the whole race. I mean given a few months ago, these same people must have been the ones snuggling up to their better halves as docile as lapdogs.
And then it dawned on me (or it could have been the beer), that we as humans are a very jealous race. We cannot withstand anyone else's happiness let alone be a part of it. Your best friend just got committed..."lucky ba***rd", someone got a more awesome cell that you do..."spoilt brat", a great girl walking with a not so great (read pretty lame) guy..."wtf". I mean what in the world is wrong with us? If he's got a better girl, then there is a reason for it. Sure in a lot of cases it is money but there you go. No point feeling jealous of it and getting sloshed in the pub. You want it, go get it.
Everyone of us falls in love. And by god it hurts when it ends. But then again there is a reason why everything happens. May be you'll find a much better girl and fall in love again, or may be someone from the past will turn out to be much more than a friend. The possibilities are endless. But the moment you stop to vent your anger and frustration, you are left with nothing more than a bad headache in the morning. So always celebrate this day (and booze) in happiness, if not for your then for those whom you really care about. After all Dil To Bachcha Hai Ji.

This is dedicated to all my friends who have found , are in the process of finding or waiting to find their one true soulmate, their one true Valentine. Cheers!