Friday, February 18, 2011


The song was pretty loud, loud enough for him to be not able to answer the phone. His recently broken up girlfriend was calling. She hadn't called him in ages now; so why now. He spun down the volume dial and picked up the call.
Her voice still gave him the same feeling as it had for the past 2 years. But today there was a sadness present in her voice. He got alarmed; he still cared for her. And then she told him something which completely muted out the world. The cars, the construction, and everything around him was as if in slow motion. She had stated liking somebody else.
And just like a video goes from slo-mo to normal pace, he was back. But instead of the news killing him as he expected it would, it cleared his mind. As if the great fog had lifted and he could finally see everything. It all made sense. And then he laughed like he had not in the past few months after their break up. He was happy for her, but most of all he was happy for himself.
He remembered a conversation he had with a friend during lunch. Both of them had gone through the same fate, but his friend had moved on and was now a happier person. And his friend had advised him to do the same. But he was stupidly in love, and hence clinging on to the one hope he could hold on too. But now there was no reason to cling on to anything. He decided he would call up his friends and inform all of them.
One of them was in the office. She was definitely more worried than what she was portraying. She said she would call him back later. She was th typical love sick female. Everything was utterly romantic to her. And this news was a bad one.
Another friend who also happened to be busy, had a pretty cold response. She had expected the girl to move on before him anyways. She also would call him later.
His third friend then sat with him and laughed his ass off about how similar their stories were and he could not agree less. But then everything happens for the best, with these words he head back home.
By the time he reached, he realized that his friend had called and missed him. He didn't call back right away. The other had a different approach altogether. She had already begun to hate his ex-girlfriend, and now reading him excerpts from his facebook profile, laughing about how sad a guy she's falling for. 

But one thing that was common between the three of them was that, they cared. There had been times when they were busy or unavailable but when it really mattered they were there for him.

If you know who you are, Thank you...!! And it is truly an honor having you as a friend.