Tuesday, November 17, 2009

happy bday

"Life is what happens to you wen ur busy makin other plans"

John Lennon said dis probably relating to the randomness of life which is so terribly lacking in logic dat v choose to name dem karma n destiny.
I wonder wen i think bout my dear friend wat life wud b widout him? wonder who wil b my sole guide in d matters of females, wonder wat il do wid d silence of his voice, wonder if il miss his humour or long 4 dat ever friendly tit bit of advice in d days 2 come. i wonder because i tried sayin gudbye bt cudnt at all.
Even now as i sit here pennin stuff down i can only remember him laffin at sum silly joke, or tryin 2 get d number o a random chic in a mall. i remember him throwin a gala party every tym v gt 2gether. i remember him turnin a particular female down because she dint support his football team(Man U). i remember his happiness in all d moments v wer 2gether.
Like a wierd joke book dat mks u laf, i can only remember him frm d happy memories v shared 2gether wen he ws alive. and js like v learn to live wid d randomness of life by givin it names of fate n destiny, i guess m learnin 2 accept his death by lettin go of d sadness n livin with the images of his happiness, his only memories, in my head.
Dey say life always teaches u sumthin. his death tot me sumthing 2. it tot me abt hw short and beautiful life really is. so hw can i say gudbye 2 sm1 who gave me so much? i guess i js cant cuz i feel he is alive as ever in dose precise images in my head n will liv wimme till i die. i guess i really cant say gudbye 2 him...
So i guess on d ocassion of his 22nd birthday i definitely cant wish him Happy Birthday bt i can n will say Rest in Peace dude...ROCK ON!!!


gini said...

friends forever is all i wud say....