Wednesday, May 18, 2011


The game was at its peak interest level when he was suddenly brought back to reality by the gentle buzz of his phone's vibration. Begrudgingly he hit the Esc key, he had been real close to the completion of the level, and started looking for the damned thing. Finally he located the cell and unlocked it. An instant smile lit his face. It was her.
They had known each other since school. Although they were never the best of friends, just acquaintances, she had something about her which he really liked. They had met only a couple of months back, after a good number of years. So many stories to tell, so many experiences to share, so little time. That night there was the spark. All of a sudden for some inexplicable reason, he had started liking her. As the days went by and they stayed in touch, his feelings grew. Eventually succumbing to his heart, he had asked her out. She had no clue where this came from and made him understand why she could not say yes. With a heavy heart, he had laughed it off. He understood.
It had been almost a month since then and now. They had been in touch all this time. And everyday notched up his feelings for her. He hurriedly messaged her back; the game could wait. And pat came her reply. Minutes gave way to hours as he frantically searched for topics to keep the messaging going on. He didn't want to say goodbye just yet. One topic gave way to another, from absolutely pointless ones to more serious ones. Every single message was re-read by him at least twice. A very familiar feeling was now developing inside his stomach - butterflies.
'Why did u ask me out?' She had asked him this question a couple of times already and his answer had always been the same, 'I have no idea. Because I like you?!' The same topic was underway again. She asked him if he was still interested and if he was she might actually give it a thought. Interested? He was much more than interested, he was sure of what he felt. Finally he asked her if she was actually going to give it another shot. The reply that came sucked the air out of his stomach.
He didn't know whether to jump with joy or start dancing. He had to be sure that the reply was exactly what he thought it meant. She had been thinking about him for the past 2 days and she figured she liked him too. And the reply which followed confirmed it all. He had been waiting for this day ever since he had met her a few months ago and now that it was here, he did not know how to react. He felt like a small kid, who had been granted his one true wish. And then he got the same feeling again. Butterflies stormed his stomach like a level 5 tornado. He had never thought he would feel this again, but there it was. He could not sleep that night at all.
He was smiling all through next day, so was she. It had been so long since he had felt this magnitude of any positive emotion. He wanted to laugh, to jump, to sing, to dance but most of all, he wanted her in his arms. He checked his phone 10 times in an hour, just to be sure he had mot missed any new message. He read and re-read all the last messages, all of them. And every time he read them, his face would light up and butterflies would rule. The sun was setting now. In less than 24 hours, life had gone from being sad to beautiful, a person had gone from being a friend to much much more and his face could do nothing but smile. He was scrolling through his inbox. He stopped at one particular message, the one which had been the cause of the butterflies floating in his stomach. After a long long time he truly smiled as he read the message for the umpteenth time.
'YES :)'

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Love and Second Chances

"To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven" ~ Karen Sunde

Love is probably the most amazing feeling to have existed. You cannot feel it, you have to experience it. It bonds two individuals in a phenomenal bond of intimacy and trust. There comes a time in every persons life when they experience this feeling. It can sweep you off your feet, give you butterflies in the stomach, make your life beautiful, truly give you a glimpse of heaven. But there is another side to it also. The part where love hurts you. More so often we see relationships which end badly, leaves one shattered, literally destroyed. They say love is as painful as it is beautiful, it destroys as much as it creates, it shatters as much as it uplifts. Falling in love is blissful, falling out of it is painful. And once you fall out of it, you feel that you can never love again.

But life and love are never that cruel. There always comes a time in every persons life when love gives them a second chance, a chance to love again, to feel again, to be happy again. Whether we take that chance or not is completely up to us and sadly most of us are so preoccupied crying over the one that ended to see the one that could begin. We are so sad and heart broken that we do not take notice of anything that may be able to mend it. We feel that we will never love again. And we get so consumed by this that we forgo any second chances. We lose faith in love itself, lose faith in trust based relationships, feel like running away from everything, and hence lose faith in life. We feel we are stuck at one place, unable to move whereas the truth is that we don't want to move. We feel consumed by the feeling of love loss and pain.

But is it worth it? Is it worth spending all of that time mourning over someone who could not understand the depth of your feelings, who could not keep the trust you had in them, who was the one who walked away.I don't think so. I'm not saying that its easy. It never is. People say that they don't want to get hurt again, but there is one thing I have always believed in and that is that the greatest risk in life is to not have risked anything at all, never having lived at all. Love always gives us a second chance, sometimes early, sometimes late but its always up to us whether to accept it and make the best of it or let go of it and risk this blissful feeling.

So all those people who have fallen out of love, get up and say yes to life and love. They say you only love once, but I say you can love as many times as you want, but only if you want. No one can force you in that state of mind or make you fall in love. Love happens only if you want it to happen. So stop the mourning and start the flying.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

2D Animation at its best

Simply beautiful piece of animation by Mr. Ryan Woodward. Love the way he has captured the emotion via simple lines and an extremely well choreographed dance. Though this may have any interpretation, this is my interpretation of what this video might want to convey.

The guy has lost the love of his life and wants to be with her again. He can't accept the fact that she is gone and is reminiscing all of the good memories that they had shared together. He is trying to catch her, but every time, she just manages to slip through his fingers, sometimes like water and sometimes like smoke. He yearns for her. He is stuck in that time frame and even when the world is moving on, he doesn't want to move on yet. He wants these memories of her to stay with him forever. Day gives way to night and he relishes each moment spent with each dance. And at the end when she changes color, the guy has finally accepted the fact she is indeed gone and begins to move on, accompanied only by the memories of the beautiful times that they had shared together.

The video doesn't belong to me. For more information visit this site mentioned below.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hope she doesn't hurt herself

The setting sun was casting deep red rays onto the three figures sitting by the roadside. Richell was rocking back and forth, Fred had his head in his hand and Tyler was looking intently at Richell, waiting for her to respond.
"So?" He asked her again. Fred slowly looked up and then at Richell. She looked back at him with pleading eyes.
"You know what the answer to that question is..." she said. Tyler dropped his hands by his side and heaved a sigh of desperation. True, both Tyler and Fred knew the answer to the question, but they wanted to hear it straight out of her mouth. But she won't speak. Her eyes said it all, but her lips won't move. She really loved Charlie a lot.
It had been some time since Charlie and Richell had broken up. And surprisingly, they were still friends, putting a huge question mark on one of life's worst truths - two exes can never be friends. The two of them acted absolutely normal around each other and things couldn't have been better. But now, a different face of their friendship was emerging. Even though she claimed to have gotten over him, she had not. Not one bit.
To make matters worse, she was about to get engaged to another guy. Did she love him, it didn't matter. She had to have a reality check and this was it. But being the kind of person she was, despite the fact that she was very well aware of the fact that she loved Charlie, she would not accept it. Tyler pressurized her more. Fred tried a more gentle approach. None worked. She was determined to not say a word.
Finally after almost two hours of trying out everything, she said it. "Yes, I love him ok?" And then began the harder part of the conversation, what was she going to do about her situation. She was a real close friend to both Tyler and Fred and they didn't want her to ruin her life. But the way she was headed, she was on a crash course and refusing to accept it. She needed some sense knocked into her.
It was pretty dark now. She had missed her shuttle home. But the discussion had not managed to move one bit from where it stood. She insisted that everything will turn out to be ok in due course of time and Tyler fought back saying that things don't work that way. Finally Tyler gave up and they opted to go back home. It was pretty late.
Just when they were about to leave, Richell saw Charlie leaving for home. A small smile crept across her face as she asked Charlie if he could drop her home. Tyler looked away. Fred stood in the middle, not knowing what to do. 2 hours they had spent trying to explain something to her. All in vain. Richell and Charlie were soon out of sight. Tyler sighed as he stepped into the car, "I hope she doesn't hurt herself trying to prevent others from getting hurt by her."
Its true Richell was getting over Charlie, but there is a reason why two exes cannot be friends, and that reason is that no matter how hard one tries, the feeling of love never dies and hope stays alive. Did Richell hope to get back with Charlie? Only Richell knew the answer to that question. How long would she continue to love Charlie? Only God knew the answer to that question. Tyler's words were still ringing in Fred's ears. 'Hope she doesn't get hurt'. The cars were flying past as he looked out the window. 'Hope' he thought and looked away.