Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Fat Man Sings

To look backward for a while is to refresh the eye, to restore it, and to render it the more fit for its prime function of looking forward. ~Margaret Fairless Barber, The Roadmender
By midsummer of 2006, two months after my final escape from the gulag of high school, I found myself in the frightful predicament of having to go to college. As I sat with the list of colleges I had applied for, Dad very simply pointed out that AIT was by far the best of them all. Hence began my journey.
I still remember my first day here. I walked in, my head held high because I'd made it into one of the finest colleges but that misconception was quickly corrected by a senior who rather forcefully notified me of the "Norms" that I had to follow to "Survive" here. With a now heightened survival instinct I geared up for the first quarter of my life here.
The foray into the unknown world combined with the added ‘freedom’ was challenging; New friends, exposure to new cultures, myriad of clubs, variety of girls, frequent ‘belt’ parties, movies, new mobile phone, submissions, one night preparations, horrible mess food, one side crushes, a bare second class, the year was over in a flash.
The second year came with the entry into a new department; New roommates, contact with girls, English play in Akriti ’07, new FEs entering to find nice receptive seniors (pun intended!), BAD(?!) habits, finding new close friends, One night @ a call centre, first downs and a pass class.
Scribtip was a brand new addition. From bringing out my very own eMage (Val day issue) to sitting up till 4 am in the morning designing pages for the magazine, the magboard honed my photoshopping skills to say the least (not to mention saved my skin from the attendance fine). Submissions were a pain. With my train ticket cancelled and having signed a defaulter form for all three submissions, I found myself homebound in the “Army dabba” with nothing but a 1 rupee coin as my sole worth.
The rains gave way to the penultimate year of my engineering. Armed with an arsenal of downs I marched into the new semester fearing the worst. The new flank was positively “scary”. Soon the new Fes arrived bringing with them the first wave of nostalgia. Akriti ’08; probably my finest ever, the devil’s green faced minion, debate runners up, JAM (courtesy chatty) and LIMS which definitely held my interest the most.
It was this time that a girl sang her way into my heart; the girl who would come to change life as I knew it in AIT. With my hopes of reaching BE looking bleak especially with a killer critical, taking refuge in books was the only option left. Finally after almost a month worth of exams I was free or was I? I would have to wait a few more months to find out.
One of the most intoxicating and exotic experiences that are a part of the final year at college is the shocking expanses of unsupervised free time that stretch out before you. Long weekends, with nothing to do and nowhere to be. Be brought with it a marked change; becoming a day scholar, new bike, new place to call home, rules and regulations, time constraints, improved attendance, impressed teachers, placement and distinction, the year marks an end to the adventurous time I had experienced in AIT.
The last four years have the most magnificent years of my life and one and a half pages are clearly too less to speak of them all. All the excitement, heartbreaks, responsibilities, acquaintances, knowledge and experiences have made me ready to face the outside world as I step into it. The four years might have ended quickly but the memories of the wonderful time I had will never cease to exist in my mind, neither will the memories of the people who made this journey worthwhile.
The tide recedes, but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers in the land,
The music stops, and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains...
For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.

Adios AIT!!!